Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Missionary Interview

Wednesday, 2007/01/17 - Prime Time America

Click on the above link to listen to an interview with Mark Strand, Kim's brother, about his work in China. His interview occurs 31 minutes into the program and lasts about 6 minutes. Enjoy!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Theology and a Movie

One idea I am tempted to rip off from a hip, cutting-edge church is a movie and theology night. We would get together and watch a contemporary movie that is out on video. We could use the second projector to have the "big screen" experience. After the movie, we could analyze the theological issues that are raised by the movie. We would need someone to host it in their home, and provide popcorn and pop (or participants could bring stuff to share).

Although the vast majority of people in our church probably watch PG-13 movies, and many probably even watch R movies, do you think there would be an issue with showing some of these movies at a church event? I am certain that there would be some discomfort with us showing them at the church, but I am wondering if there would be issues if they are someone's home? I personally wish that a lot of these movies did not have the course language and other objectionable content, but since so many people are watching these movies and being influenced by them, does it make sense to watch them in a context where we can learn lessons from them about the culture we live in, about how that culture impacts us, and how we can influence and redeem the culture?

One example would be the movie "Click." I saw this last week when I was sick. It has a fair amount of course language and sexual inuendo, but it also has strong themes about purpose and meaning in life, the brevity of life, and the lack of satisfaction with the "typical" American Dream.

Please let me know your thoughts, and whether you would be a part of such a project. Also, what are some movies that you might want to watch and discuss with a group?

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

JESUS - The Plush Toy.

You can own your very own "My Sweet Jesus" plush toy. Think I am making this up? Click here to see for yourself. You can also see "7x70" reasons why you should buy My Sweet Jesus, and read the touching story of how My Sweet Jesus came to be. If you want to spend more, for $65 you can get this Jesus doll. Or maybe you want to be able to pick a baby Jesus doll with a glow in the dark halo that comes in a the race of your choice, here. There is even a talking Jesus doll, and you can add Moses and David dolls too.

So what do you think of all this commercialization of Jesus? Would Jesus buy Jesus dolls for all his friends, or overturn the tables of these merchants? Do these dolls serve a healthy purpose for a growing Christian, or are they counterproductive to mature Christian faith? Let me hear your opinion.

For a different picture of Jesus, try reading Revelation 1:12-18. I wonder when the "Glorified Jesus Doll" will be coming out???

PS: Bobblehead and action figures your thing? Click here. Or here.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

Made any resolutions? Feel free to post them here. Not only might it inspire us all, it will help you to actually carry them out.

A couple of my resolutions:
1. Resolved: To see to it that my family is up and running by a certain time each morning and to do devotions with them before heading to work on a daily basis (except Thursdays and Sundays when I normally will be to work by 5:45!)

2. Resolved: Through more consistent excersize and better eating habits, to drop below 200 pounds.

3. Resolved: To be more disciplined in my daily prayer life and to attempt to develope disciplines of abstinence -- fasting, silence, solitude, and sacrifice.

4. Resolved: To read use "For the Love of God, Vol.1" by D.A. Carson for my devotional and Bible reading plan this year. This is a daily reading plan with daily commentaries by D.A. Carson. It is available by daily email by subscribing here.

There are some other things I will be working on as well, but you can help hold me accountable on these. Don't be afraid to ask me how it is going!