Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Wanted: A Few Good Men

Why is it so hard to get men to come to church? Here is an article that discusses one theory. (Don't worry, it is short!) Read it and respond.

Ok men, is this you? If so, what would make church bearable -- or even possibly enjoyable? Let me know what you think -- I need another cause to champion.


Scott said...

"It’s intimidating for a man to hold hands in a circle, to cry in public, or to imagine falling deeply in love with another man (even if his name is Jesus)."


Pride hinders knowing God again, or at least doing as commanded?

The problem is men do not want to get involved. They would much rather be entertained than see how they measure up to Jesus; to serve such as He.

I don't know why, but I get worried about the idea of changing things to suit one group...yet that is what the article claims has happened. Hmmmm....

The bottom line is this, if you seek the Lord than you will find Him. If you seek entertainment or one's pride of who you think you are is more important than humbling yourself before God then you hinder yourself.

I guess a real man has no trouble hugging, crying, or loving anyone else and yet is bold in truth and in doing what is right. Jesus is such a man and we should all strive to be like Him.
I'm not saying I have no trouble in the above areas, but not joining in fellowship, studying His Word, or acknowledging how you feel, what you need, and who you are is not going to bring you closer to the One that gave Himself up for you.

Pastor Kevin said...

Thanks for joining the discussion, Scott.

Do you agree we have a problem in the American church with a lack of men's participation?

If so, what should our response be? Obviously, everything that has to do with the health of the church starts with prayer and seeking to be led by the Spirit, but what does that mean for us in our local churches?

Final question for now -- is it really about men wanting to be entertained, or is there more to it? There are many churches around that have moved towards contemporary music, drama, and other entertainment features that still have a major gender gap. And, if it is about entertainment, how do we get people (men in particular) to get past entertainment to obedience?