On Wednesday, we traveled to the small village of Quiscamote to do an outreach. Our hosts expected about 7-8 people, but we had 76 turn out. Scott Erickson shared his testimony and I had the privilege of preaching the gospel. We had been praying for this outreach and especially that God would bring "honorable men." We had two men and a couple of older teen boys show up. We were able to give the two men copies of the New Testament in Spanish. This day was by far the highlight of our trip. The next picture is one of me and some of my new friends from Quiscamote.
The school we were working on is half done and being used. We worked on the "new" half. We finished sheetrocking and taping the lower level, completed the framing and wiring of the whole building, and put in all the windows. We worked pretty hard for the week, but felt that the work was productive for the ranch. Here is a picture of the whole construction crew at the end of the week with the school in the background.
After a full week, you would think a guy could take a nap in peace! Oh well, at least the thieves returned the camera....
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